The Leicester Maher Community Association (LMCA) 2023
President Mr. Sanjay Karavadra
Vice President Mr. Parbat Sanga
Treasurer Mrs. Chetna Ranavaya
Vice Treasurer Mr. Harish Keshwala
Secretary Mr. Bharat A Keshwala
ViceSecretary Mr. Devan K Modhwadia
Committee Members
Mr. Akashji Odedra
Mr. Ashok Karavadra
Mr. Atul Modhavadiya
Mrs. Bhanu Gorania
Mr. Hitesh Godhania
Mr. Karan Odedra
Mr. Kishor Karavadra
Mr. Lakhan R Karavadra
Mr. Lakhansi K Khunti
Mr. Nikhil Keshwala
Mr. Niraj Modhvadiya
Mr. Pratap Keshwala
Mr. Ram Modhwadia
Mr. Ram Rajshi Modhwadia
Holding Trustees
Mr. Arjan H Keshwala
Mr. Arjun Odedra
Mr. Devshi A Odedra
Dr. Lakhman Modhvadiya
Mr. Nagarjun R Odedra
If you would like to become a committee member then visit the centre or phone on 0116 2425 360.
Leicester Maher Community Association
Maher Centre
15 Ravensbridge Drive
Tel: +44 0116 242 5360
Fax: +44 0116 262 5637