Snehal Odedra take part in NASA Art Contest

NASA –  has featured Snehal Odedra’s art on their website.

Snehal Odedra took part in NASA Art Contest and she was one of many students that took part in this project for NASA named “Work on the Moon.”

She was the only one INDIAN who took part in this project in Master student category and her project is selected by NASA for their Online gallery.

Welldone to Snehal for making her family and the entire Maher Community proud.

 Snehal Odedra - 'UDAYAN' - The Rising Sun


This image shows that NASA work hard and “THINK OUT OF BOX” for devlope NEW WORLD for people and people can also help for developing new world.In image we can see Astronut,Settlement for people,Sapce shuttle of NASA. Main thing we see that Our Earth going to Finish than Noone can save people but NASA can do this Miracle by devloping New Earth on the 1st burning flower is of EARTH and New flower of Moon which growing is for Moon,on which NASA devlope “NEW WORLD”. 🙂

Artist Statement

Respected Sir/Madam, Its my pleasure to taking part into this contest which organized for making New World on the MOON.From the title of this contest i designed my art.In my art we can see that Life on Earth is produced by GOD while on Moon life will produced only by NASA.So,that’s why the title of my art is ‘UDAYAN’ – The Rising Sun. Thank you, Snehal Odedra