Arjan Laxman Godhania – Heart Transplant Patient

Arjan Laxman Godhania  - Heart Transplant PatientArjan Laxman Godhania  – Heart Transplant Patient
I am the daughter in-law of Arjan Laxman Godhania, this year we are celebrating his 25th Birthday. With the support of a professional and dedicated team of highly skilled medical staff at Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, 25 years ago Dad (as I referral to him) was given another chance at life with a heart transplant.
Great will power and resolve 
He is a man with great will power and resolve. Since joining the family in 1991 I have had the good fortune to witness first hand what having great will power can help you achieve. He is on countless medication and often suffers from side effects however in the 23 years that I have known Dad, not once have I heard him say he feels unwell.
It has not always been a bed of roses we have had a few scares along the way. A number of times he has had to be rushed to hospital and be defibrillated due to having an irregular heartbeat. But when we go to visit him the room would be filled with laughter, not a sad face in sight. We as a family believe humor is the best medicine for ill health.
We are indebted to the family that donated the heart, and would encourage others to sign up and register as an Organ Donor.
For more information about Organ Donation, visit NHSBT website 
Article supplied by Rambhai Godhania