![]() Maher Surnames
Vansh : Agnivanshi
Par(r)hiar (Pathiar) with 13 branches/shakhas: Lullra, Surawat, Rameta, Budhkhel/Pokhawat, Inda,Khokhar, Kilhan/Kalhans/Chandra/Chuhhan, Ghorana, Dhandhil,Sindhu, Dorana, Subrana, Pahara, Keshodas, Sonpalol, Deep.
This clan was one of the 4 Agni-kulas God Shiva created a man from fire, who had a dark complexion. This man, though not brave, was well suited to act as guard at the door. This is exactly the reason why he came to be known as ‘Prithvi-ha-Dwara’ of which Parihar is a corruption. Geographically, during the period of Muslim conquest the Rajputs were the pratiharas, or protectors of India Also known as Parrhiar.
Mundawar or Mundodri was the capital of the Parihara, which owned the sway of this tribe before the invasion and settlement of the Rathor clan. They were dominant in Bundelkhand before the Chandels, their last chieftain having been overthrown by a Chandel prince in AD 831. A parihar-Gujar chieftain, whose capital was in Bhinmal in Rajputana, conquered the dominions of the great Harsha Vardhana, and established himself there about AD 816. Kannaj was then held by Gujar-Parihar kings till ca 1090, when it was seized by Chandradeva of the Gaharwar Rajput clan. The Parihar rulers were thus subverted by the Gaharwars and Chandels, both of whom are thought to be derived from the Bhars or other aboriginal tribes. After this period the Parihar are of little importance. They appear to have retired to Rajputana, as col. Tod states that Mundore, 5 miles north of Jodhpur, was their headquarter until it was taken by the Rathors. The walls of the ruined fortress of Mundore are built of enormous square masses of stone without cement. In the Central Provinces they are found principally in Saugor, Damoh and Jubbulpore.
Article supplied by Kishan V Sisodia